Who What Why How

We are iRS Indipendèntzia Repùbrica de Sardigna.
A political movement that through intellectual production and concrete action wish to give the input and give shape to national, social and environmental consciousness of Sardinian people so that it can be guided in order to accomplish the free Republic of Sardinia.
Taking our land as a starting point we wish to suggest a new way of life, a new way of understanding the relationship between human beings, nations, the environment and all forms of life. Thus, iRS is part of a gathering of energies which experimenting unforeseen ways, are fighting for independence and the dignity for their people and their culture. Those energies are still searching for a way of a peaceful human living-together based on mutual respect, a sense of the community, solidarity and hospitality, social justice, the communication and the sharing of knowledge on a planetary basis, the development of creative skills of each single person.
Because for many centuries we have lived in freedom and in freedom we have always created culture, intelligence and prosperity, communication between us and the others. Because for so many times our people, the best sons and daughters of this land, fought for the freedom of our nation and we cannot support those Sardinians who sold their soul, their heart, their dignity, their land. Because for centuries external powers, with the complicity of the Sardinian political class are trying to let us believe, through their institutions, their schools and their media, that we are a country destined to lose. They are trying to let us believe that our full freedom would be our ruin, that we need someone to support us economically and someone who can decide on our behalf what is good and right and useful for us. Because those powers for centuries have been teaching us, humiliating us, that our culture is not productive, that is useless and harmful for ourselves. They have been teaching us we have to homologate ourselves to their culture in order to live in the world, because their culture is far better than ours, because their culture won. On the other hand we know that only re-discovering and working on our culture we will be able to live with dignity.
We wish to reach the national independence of Sardinia through a non violent revolution, with the wilfulness of Sardinian people, not against it. That wilfulness should be awakened through a self consciousness which can involve wisdom, creativity, hope and each energy of us Sardinians, involving all of our people in order to be able to exert the right to national self-determination approved by international laws and treaties.


We are not… We are…

We are not italians.
We are not autonomists.
We are not sardists.
We are not nationalists.
We are not the independentists who do not believe in independence.
We are iRS, indipendèntzia Repùbrica de Sardigna.

We truly believe in independence.
We will reach it through non-violent and democratic means.
We are already building the free Republic of Sardinia.
We are transforming our Country and its culture.
We believe we can shake our people’s consciousness.
We believe we can give them a new dignity and real wellness.
We believe everything can be done.
We believe people change and by changing they self-determine their history.
We believe that a Nation can free itself and that we can be the authors of its change, of its income in the world and the history. We can be the makers of its true existence. Free.

Join us. Join your people.
Build the free Republic of Sardinia.
